.WS (WebSite) Price Increase Announcement
As of October 1, 2010, Global Domains International, the official registry operator of Western Samoa or .WS (used as WebSite) will be increasing prices by 0.50 USD per Domain/Year. Due to this registry increase, HEXONET will unfortunately have to also raise .WS prices for resellers on October 1, 2010:
RESELLER: From 15.83 (net: 13.30) by 0.59 (net: 0.50) to 16.42 (net: 13.80) USD per Domain/Year
PREMIUM: From 13.57 (net: 11.40) by 0.59 (net: 0.50) to 14.16 (net: 11.90) USD per Domain/Year
PLATINUM: From 11.78 (net: 9.90) by 0.59 (net: 0.50) to 12.38 (net: 10.40) USD per Domain/Year
IMMEDIATE Change in .ES Renewal Policy
Please note the following immediate .ES Registry Renewal Policy Change:
- Renewal Accounting Period has been changed to -12Days from previously -7Days
- Renewal Finalization/Failure Period has been changed to -6Days from previously -2Days
As a result, .ES Domains will be billed 12 days prior to their respective expiration dates. Also, .ES renewals will be processed 6 days prior to their respective expiration date.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].